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1946Foundation of VERMES Chemie by Dr. Vermes
1959First industrially produced ballpoint pen ink
1964Equipment for register systems
1976Acquisition by Woellner Group, a Ludwigshafen based company
1993Development of a worldwide unique piezo based motor for a register recorder
1999Piezo based nano positioning
2001First design of MDS 3000 microdispensing systems based on piezo technology
2003/02Launch of the MDS 3010-70 (up to 500 mPas)
2003Member in the "European Research Group Nano-Liter-Dispensing"
2003/10           Launch of the MDS 3020-70 (about 10.000 mPas)
2004First installations in Asia
2005Setting up of an international sales and service network
2006/09Launch of the MDS 3100-70 (up to about 1 Mio. mPas)
2007Successful start into the LED and RFID markets
2007/04Development of a dispensing solution for cyanoacrylates
2007/06Introduction of the powerful MDS A-generation
2007/09Entering the life science market
2008Innovation award from Bavarian Volks- and Raiffeisenbanken
2009/03Launch of the MDS 3200A (up to 2 Mio mPas)
2010/05Founding of the VERMES Microdispensing GmbH as an independent manufacturer for microdispensing systems
2011Development of the next generation MDS systems
2013Launch of the MDC 3200+ control unit  and the MDV 3200F valve
2013Foundation of the first foreign subsidary in Xiamen, China
2014Opening of a service center in Japan
2015Launch of a new system for hot melt dispensing
2015Opening of a service center in Singapore
2016Opening of new premises in Malaysia 
2016Launch of the DDS 80 drop detection system for detecting missing and incorrect droplets
2016Launch of a multi microdispensing system for low and medium viscosities
2016Launch of the MDS 3010+/3020+-series for flexible dispensing of low and medium viscosity fluids
2017Launch of the MDS 3250+- series with high speed piezo technology, jet valve "TopAdjust" and maximum drop precision
2017Establishment of VERMES Microdispensing Sdh Bhd Corporation in Butterworth, Malaysia
2018Engagement in the European Development Project DIACHEMO 
2018Establishment of VERMES Microdispensing America in USA
2019Introduction of the MDS 1560 Series, powered by DST- Dynamic Shockwave Technology
2019Foundation of VERMES Microdispensing Korea in Seoul, South Korea
2020Establishment of the production facility for high-precision tools
202175th VERMES anniversary
2022Acquisition of Lerner Systems
2022Establishment of additional office location in Ohio, USA