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Headquartered in Germany, VERMES Microdispensing GmbH is not only a world leader in the design and manufacture of innovative microdispensing concepts and solutions, but is also expanding its business into medical equipment, special machinery and solid oxide cell (SOC) in the recent years. With the latest business unit of VERMES SOC Technology, focusing on high temperature solid oxide fuel cell and electrolyzer, VERMES is committed to providing the most efficient solution to meet the growing demand for the energy conversion and transition in a wide range of applications (e.g., combined heat and power, power-to-X, etc.).

We are looking for you to join our team at our headquarters in Holzkirchen (near Munich) at the earliest possible date.

Ihre Aufgaben:

  • Design of deep learning algorithms and the construction of neural network architectures
  • Training and optimization of defect detection models

Unser Anforderungsprofil:

  • Master's degree or above, with a solid foundation in image algorithms and deep learning theory
  • Familiar with models for semantic segmentation, classification, and object recognition, familiar with techniques such as model lightweighting, model pruning, and knowledge distillation, Ability to perform model deployment and performance optimization, and develop customized AI models for specific defect detection projects
  • Experience in unsupervised learning, small sample model optimization, and application are preferred
  • More than 3 year of relevant study/work experience in deep learning defect detection
  • Good technical expertise, clear thinking, and well-organized

Wir bieten:

  • Attractive employer benefits such as corporate benefits, special payments, support for your personal development, language courses, company events, etc.
  • Flexible working time model 
  • A family-like company culture with a flat hierarchy, creative freedom and financially stable job
  • Proximity to the big city combined with the advantages of a charming environment with a high quality of life in the south of Munich
  • A multicultural team with interesting clients from all over the world


VERMES Microdispensing GmbH
Mr. Bernhard Schemmer / Ms. Selina Baur
+49 (0)8024 644-21

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